In 2015, OCHA and its partners estimated that 125 million people needed humanitarian assistance. What if those 125 million people were a single country in need? What would its development profile look like? Taking into consideration all crises with an appeal lasting a year or more and the corresponding indicators, this infographic presents an estimated development profile of the country in need. The estimates show that the situation of the 125 million people has plateaued or is deteriorating in terms of access to basic services, education and economic development. The life expectancy of a person in this country is 24 years shorter than the global average. Only half of all children are likely to be immunized. And only one third of children in this country will finish primary school. Access to improved water and sanitation lags behind the global average, and GDP is contracting instead of growing. Together, these estimates indicate that these 125 million people in need are being left behind. To reverse this trend, the international community must stand up for our common humanity and reduce humanitarian suffering. Sources: FAO, FTS, inter-agency appeal documents, IDMC, OCHA, UN DESA, UNHCR, World Bank |